If you want to stop buying clothes that fall apart, if you want to stop wasting money, if you want to build an intentional closet that will last you for years, then invest in quality pieces! Invest in fabrics that are made well and that you’ll have for many years! Wool is a great fabric to add to your lasting closet. An intentional closet takes extra thought, money, and care. So here are some tips on how to care for wool so you can make sure you get the most out of your clothes!

How to Wash Wool
With higher quality fabrics, you don’t need to wash them as often. You can get away with washing your wool pieces 1-2 times a season if you wear a base layer and if it’s not soiled. Wool is a delicate fabric, so it’s best to treat it with care. Here are some tips on how to do it carefully:
- Fill a tub, sink, or bin with lukewarm water.
- For best results, use a special wool detergent.
- Put your wool piece in the water with the detergent and let it soak for about 10 minutes.
- Rinse the detergent off with lukewarm water.
- Rinse the wool piece again in cold water.
If you have a washing machine that has a wool setting, then it’s safe to wash your wool pieces that way. If it doesn’t have a wool setting, then you can wash it on the delicate cycle in cold water. Use a special wool detergent for best results.
How to Dry Wool
If you want your wool pieces to look great and last long, then don’t put them in the dryer!! To dry your wool, simply lay it flat to dry. Don’t hang it to dry because it will stretch and lose its shape. I like to take a bath towel and lay my pieces flat to dry. You can flip it over to ensure even drying.
How to Store Wool
It’s best to store wool in a drawer or bin. If you hang your wool pieces, they will stretch and reshape. Simply fold them nicely and tuck them away from bugs. I love using cedar chips to keep the moths at bay!
How to Keep Wool Looking Fresh
Do you know when you’re wearing a sweater and after a while there are tiny balls on the areas of friction? This can make the
Follow these simple tips on how to care for wool and your wool pieces will last you a long time! Take a little extra time to be intentional about what you buy and how you care for your clothes and you will learn to love the clothes in your closet!

If you want to learn what colors look great on you, then read this post HERE.
If you want to learn what styles look best for your body shape, then read the post HERE.

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