Makeup for the Minimalist

I love beauty and I love makeup. I also love simplicity. When I came across the Maskcara makeup line a few years ago, I instantly fell in love! This is the perfect makeup for the minimalist! Let me show you why!
Maskcara makeup is condensed and streamlined! This makeup line is famous for the HAC (highlight and contour). A woman’s face is meant to be 3-demensional and so is her makeup! By using 4 foundation singles (highlight, contour, blush, and illuminator) the natural beauty features of a woman’s face are enhanced. I can put all of my foundation singles in one simple compact. One! I don’t have to rummage through my makeup bag for each individual product. There are a range of different sizes of compacts, depending on your needs. If you want more makeup colors, you can get a larger compact to fill it up. And it all still fits into one simple container!

How many times have you bought a makeup pallette and loved one of the colors to death until it’s completely gone, but then the other colors are still going strong?! It’s so frustrating because you don’t want to waste the rest of your colors and toss them until they’ve been used as well. Well, fret no more! All of the Maskcara compacts have a magnetic bed and the foundation & eyeshadow singles are all made of tin so they stick in perfectly. You can mix & match, switch around & replace as needed. How cool is that?!

A minimalist or anyone who desires simplicity, also treasures their time. I don’t want to waste precious moments in front of the mirror when I have kids to tend to, places to be, and things to do! Makscara makeup is so fast and easy to apply. I can put on my face in 3 minutes. For real. Add in my eye makeup and I’m completely done in 10. And part of that time has been saved by not having to rummage through my makeup bag for all of my products because it’s all right there at my fingertips. Boom.

I don’t think you can find a better makeup line on the market that is more perfect for the minimalist. What woman doesn’t want to look beautiful? What woman doesn’t want to have more time? What woman doesn’t want a messy bag full of products? This makeup is totally for you!
Click here to see how I put on my 3-minute face:
Interested in simplicity and awesomeness of the makeup? Click here to shop!
