Traveling to new places can be such an enriching experience! But when you get sick on your holiday, it is the pits!! Last year alone, our family traveled to 17 countries, so we have had our fair share of sicknesses and avoided lots too. Here are some simple ways to stay healthy while traveling so you can enjoy the most of your time there!
Take Probiotics
When we were in Australia, 4 out of 6 of our family got hit hard with a tummy bug. It hit hard and fast. We did not want to experience that again, so we did lots of research on how to have a healthy tummy when traveling. The verdict…take probiotics! And it works! We never got another big tummy bug the rest of the time we traveled that year. Take them daily so you have a healthy gut. And when you’re introduced to bad bacteria, it won’t hit your system as hard. Here are some great options for probiotics for kids and adults: HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE

When you do get hit with an upset stomach, charcoal pills are a great way to absorb that gross feeling. We also love and use Digestzen for any tummy issues. We don’t travel anywhere without our probiotics, charcoal pills, and Digestzen! Bring Sanitizer with You Everywhere When you’re traveling, you come in contact with so many types of bacteria, dirt, and germs. Think about all the things you’re touching in public transit, at restaurants, museums, and anywhere in between! If you want to stay healthy, bring sanitizer with you everywhere. Put it in your pocket, purse, or backpack. You can make your own by using water and Onguard essential oil or you can buy one. Either way, do it! Wash Your Hands Whenever you get the chance, wash your hands. When you’re at a restaurant or restroom slip in and wash your hands. Sanitizer is great, but a thorough hand wash with soap and water is the best.

Avoid Certain Foods & Drinks
If you’re traveling to developing countries, there are certain foods and drinks to avoid. Never eat fruits or vegetables that haven’t been cooked or peeled. You don’t know how the produce was washed and with what type of water. So, some examples of produce to avoid in certain countries are: lettuce, strawberries, apples, grapes, tomatoes…anything that isn’t peeled or cooked.

Also, don’t drink the water unless it is filtered or bottled. That goes for the ice too! An easy way to get sick in a developing country is to drink the water and that is no fun! That also means that you shouldn’t brush your teeth with tap water. Just keep a bottle or cup of filtered water right by the sink for convenience.

Nip It In the Bud
If you feel like you’re starting to get sick, then nip it in the bud really quick! If you’re starting to feel symptoms of a cold or flu, then OnGuard Protective Blend is such a great product to take. You can even take it as a preventative measure.

Taking these precautions will help you stay healthy when traveling. It may be inconvenient but so worth it! Don’t spend your vacation sick inside when you can be out exploring. Be smart and have fun!

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