Our world focuses too much on outward beauty. And it’s ok to be beautiful on the outside. It really is. And I love teaching Beauty Basics to achieve outward beauty and confidence. But it’s more important to be beautiful on the inside. But how do you become more beautiful on the inside? What are the qualities that make you beautiful? It’s time to start focusing on our inward beauty, our beauty qualities, to make a more beautiful you. Let’s start with positivity. The beautiful quality of positivity is crucial to happiness, beauty, and confidence.

Choose Positivity
I get it. It’s hard to be positive all the time. It’s just not realistic. And it’s not healthy to never feel sad, frustrated, annoyed, down. It’s ok to have all the feels. But it’s not ok to dwell on the negative. It’s not healthy for you either. The gift of positivity makes you more beautiful. When you focus on the positive in your life, you worry less, you stress less, your fret less.
Life isn’t perfect and there are plenty of negative things that happen in our daily lives, from family problems to work drama to friend woes to financial stress. But when we let those negative things weigh us down, when we let them consume us, we become a negative person. And a negative person is an ugly person. But we’re trying to become more beautiful…not uglier! So it’s time to start focusing on the positive.

Picture the Perfect Person
Picture the perfect person you would want to hang out with. Are they rude, negative, ho hum, blah, a Debbie Downer? Of course not! Who wants to hang out with someone that brings you down?! I know I don’t! I actually feel drained when I talk to a Debbie Downer on the phone or meet up with them for a date or have a texting convo with them. The perfect person I would want to hang out with is happy, uplifting, positive, a breath of fresh air. Now doesn’t that leave you feeling light as a feather? Be that kind of person!

How to Become Positive
But how can you become more positive? It’s time to stop, think, and ponder. Our lives are so busy. From work, to church, to family, to service, to travel, to technology. We’re always going going going. Our minds are busy with thinking and doing and scrolling. So, stop and take a minute to think about the positive things in your life. Ponder about what makes you happy. And if something doesn’t make you happy, how can you change it or put a spin on it to not let it bother you?

Story Time
Let me tell you a story. On a recent trip to Italy, my family hiked the Amalfi Coast. My husband is really great at finding things to do and getting all the info in order to make our experience run smoothly. But sometimes, he doesn’t get all the correct info. And this was such a time. He found this amazing trail to hike that ran along the Amalfi Coast. It had rage reviews and we thought it was a perfect family activity!
We got a really slow start to our day that day, and we were a few hours behind schedule. So, when we finally showed up at the trailhead, we saw that the hike was not just a 2 hour hike like we thought, but a 4 ½ hour hike! And there were rain clouds above. And it was 3pm. Ya na. I wasn’t happy. But I could tell that this meant a lot to my husband. I knew the views would be amazing. My kids were really excited to hike the trail.
So, I chose to be positive instead. Instead of focusing on the negative, blaming him for his mistake, cursing the clouds, looking at my watch endlessly, complaining about how long and hard the walk was, I chose to look for the positive. We didn’t have anything we needed to be home for. My kids were actually looking forward to the hike and weren’t complaining like usual. We had plenty of snacks and water. We had strong bodies that could hike well. We were in Italy…on the Amalfi Coast!
Because I chose to be positive, we had a positive experience. We just laughed when we took a few wrong turns instead of complained. Our pizza tasted that much yummier when we finally got back to our car at 9pm with growling tummies. We loved looking through our gorgeous pics instead of getting mad about arriving home at midnight.
It was a long day. Much longer than we anticipated. But it was a good day. It could have been awful. I could have made it awful. But our thoughts, our attitudes have the power to control our outcome. They have the power to control our beauty. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

Don’t get me wrong, I have plenty of unhappy moments. Especially while traveling the world…life throws all kinds of curve balls at us. But I’m constantly trying to teach myself to be more positive. I’m a nicer mom, a nice wife, a nicer person when I choose to be happy. No makeup in the world can make me prettier than being positive. No clothes or hairstyle or shoes can make your countenance more beautiful than a happy attitude.
Tips to Positivity
Doesn’t it sound so nice to be positive? Like rainbows and butterflies and roses?! Yeah, but life isn’t so easy. It’s easier said than done to be positive. So here are some tools on how you can focus on being more positive in your life. It’s a never-ending learning curve. And something you constantly need to remind yourself to be and do. But if you put these things into practice, the easier it will become. (Print and fill out the positivity worksheet as often as you need. Or take the time each day to make a mental note of the things. Take the time to sit and ponder.)
1. Repeat a positive quote 3 times. There is power is affirmations. When you think positively, you will act positivity.
2. Focus on the good things in your life. Make a list of things that make you happy, are your blessings, or things you’re grateful for.
3. We all have bad days, but we can always find good in each day. Think of 3 things that were positive today.
4. Did you have something go wrong today? Think about it. How can you see the good in it? How can you learn from it?

When you start counting your blessings instead of numbering your blahs, you will realize that your life isn’t as bad as you think. There is always someone in the world that has it worse off than you do. So focus on the good. Focus on your blessings. Focus on the positive. And you will become a more beautiful person.