Our world focuses too much on outward beauty. And it’s ok to be beautiful on the outside. It really is. And I love teaching Beauty Basics to achieve outward beauty and confidence. But it’s more important to be beautiful on the inside. But how do you become more beautiful on the inside? What are the qualities that make you beautiful? It’s time to start focusing on our inward beauty, our beauty qualities, to make a more beautiful you. The beautiful quality of service not only helps others, but helps you become a better person too!
Fail Proof Method
A fail proof way to get you feeling better about yourself is to serve! It is the perfect medicine when life is feeling extra hard, when you’re feeling lonely, when you’re feeling blah, when you’re having a bad day. Serving others is a great way to lift your spirits and to count your blessings.

Why to Serve
Why is serving others a beautiful quality?? We live in a self-centered world where we are taught to only worry about ourselves. To focus on what makes us happy and nobody else. To keep our gifts and talents and beauty to ourselves. But, selfishness is an ugly quality. The opposite of selfishness is service. Thinking of others instead of yourself. Even though the idea of service is to focus on others and to help someone else’s needs, you always end up feeling happier and better when you are the one who gives the service. Service is a win win for both parties. You get to lift someone else up and get blessed in return.
We all have unique gifts, talents, abilities, and strengths. Why should we keep them to ourselves? Shouldn’t we want to use our gifts to help others? To bond with others? To lift others up when they’re down? Being kind, selfless, and serving are great ways to stop thinking about our own problems. When you serve others, your strengths become stronger. Your talents grow. Your heart softens. You get to spread your goodness.

How to Serve
There are countless ways to serve!! Service doesn’t require money. It doesn’t require a car. It doesn’t require you to travel or to be crafty. Here is a small list to get your mind thinking about how you can serve:
Text someone
Call someone
Bake a treat and share it with someone
Write a letter to someone
Email someone
Pray for someone
Go to lunch with someone
Meet at a park for a playdate
Clean for someone
Go on a walk with someone
Sit and chat with someone
Bake a meal for someone
Give someone a compliment
Smile at someone
Pick up litter
Exercise with someone
Make a decoration and share it with someone
Do someone’s makeup
The list can go on and on and on. There’s no wrong way to serve. As long as you are thinking outside of yourself, lifting someone else, and being a positive influence in their life, then you are serving! “When ye are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the service of your God” (Mosiah 2:17) Not only are you serving that person, but you are serving God. And that’s a wonderful thing!

Blessings From Service
Even though the idea of service is to focus on others and to help someone else’s needs, you always end up feeling happier and better when you are the one who gives the service. Service is a win win for both parties. You get to lift someone else up and get blessed in return. Not only is the person that you are serving blessed for your efforts, but you are blessed too! Your heart is softened and you learn to love. You can strengthen a relationship, learn to see someone through God’s eyes, grow compassion, bond with someone. These are all wonderful things that will enrich your life.
The beautiful quality of service is a simple way to become a better person. Try to think of a way to serve someone every day. Try to think outside of yourself. Don’t focus on the crumby things happening in your life. Don’t focus on how you’re better than someone else. Focus on helping someone else. Focus on lifting and serving. I promise that you will become a more beautiful person when you are looking for ways to make others happy and serve them.