Trench Coat Outfits

Trench Coat Outfits

Trench Coat Outfits


Every closet needs good closet staples! Pieces in your closet that are timeless, classic, versatile, and high quality. One of those closet staples is a trench coat! Here are trench coat outfits that you can use as inspiration as you get dressed.


What is a Trench Coat?

The history of a trench coat is fascinating! Trench coats were traditionally worn by British Army officers. They were made of heavy-duty waterproof fabric to help them stay dry and warm in the trenches. But, this old coat has become a trendy fashion item to wear for women!

Traditional features of a trench coat are:

  • Wide lapels
  • Double breasted
  • Belted at the waist
  • Cuff straps around the wrist that button or buckle
  • Longer in length


When to Wear a Trench Coat

A trench coat is a lighter coat that adds a light layer for warmth or to stay dry. It’s a great coat to wear in the fall and spring when the temperatures are a little chilly but aren’t too cold.


How to Style a Trench Coat

You can gear your whole outfit around your trench coat or you can wear it as an afterthought. There are so many trench coat outfits that you can create! You can dress it down with jeans and sneakers or dress it up with a dress and heels, or anything in between! The options are endless!

You can wear a trench coat as the main part of the outfit and let your shoes and accessories do the talking. Let your accessories shine. Pair your trench coat with a fun bag, shoes, scarves, or jewelry. Or, you can wear a trench coat untied and let your outfit peak out and be the showcase.

Here are some trench coat outfits that you can use as inspiration…

Trench Coat Outfits

Trench Coat Options

Now that you understand what a trench coat is and how to style it, here are some great trench coat options. They are all neutral coats that can be easily mixed and matched with your wardrobe. Choose one that goes with your closet color scheme so you can get a lot of wear out of it. Invest in one that is high quality and versatile so you will have it for years!

Trench Coat Options

1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6


Hopefully these trench coat outfits will give you some ideas on how to style this classic coat. Have fun with it! The best accessory you can pair it with is a smile…let yourself shine!


Trench Coat Outfits

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