How to Build a Traveling Wardrobe Capsule

Packing for a trip can be frustrating! You want to pack all the things so you can be stylish and comfortable, but you’re usually short on luggage space. That’s why it’s important to pack smartly so you can mix and match and be prepared for all types of activities. Here’s how to build a traveling wardrobe capsule so you can look and feel confident on your next trip.

Pick a Color Scheme

When building a traveling wardrobe capsule, you need to first start out with picking a color scheme. What does that mean?? Pick a few colors that you can mix and match your pieces with easily. You don’t want to be packing the rainbow because then you’ll have to pack more pieces, shoes, and accessories to match. And we’re trying to be minimal. We’re trying to be smart. For instance, my traveling capsule consists of black, white, and gray because I can easily use my pieces in different ways. A color scheme may sound boring to you, but you can always spice up your outfits with accessories. How do you go about picking your color scheme? Simply open up your closet or dresser drawers and look to see what you have a lot of color in. What do you feel confident wearing? What are the color of your staple items? For instance, my entire traveling wardrobe capsule consists of black, gray, and white. So when I pack for a trip, all of my pieces can mix and match because they all can go together.

Pack Staple Items

What are staple items? These are pieces that are your closet workhorses. The ones that you reach for and wear over and over and can wear in lots of different ways. Some great examples of closet staple items are: skinny jeans, black leggings, leather jacket, jean jacket, chambray shirt, jean skirt, white shirt, black dress….you see? All the pieces in your closet that don’t go out of style and that you can mix and match easily.

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Pack Versatile Pieces

This is huge! When packing for your trip, pick pieces that you can mix and match and wear in multiple ways. Don’t put something in your suitcase unless you can wear it 3 different ways. For example, a chambray shirt can be worn buttoned up with jeans, unbuttoned as a layering piece, around your waist with a dress, or around your shoulders. It’s a smart piece to pack. A white shirt can be worn with jeans or a skirt and layered with jackets or button-down shirts. Packing versatile pieces will allow you to pack less clothing, but will give you lots of outfit options. Pack Layers When traveling, you can encounter lots of different weather so it’s important to pack layers. You want to pack long sleeve button-down shirts, light weight jackets, cardigans, heavy jackets or whatever clothing you will need for the weather. But, pack layers that will go with your color scheme, that are versatile, and are staple items. I don’t go anywhere without my chambray shirt or black leather jacket. They are the perfect pieces to layer with.

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Pack Accessories

Since your suitcase is pretty minimal, spice up your wardrobe with accessories! Accessories are light weight, small, and such a great way to add some color and variation to an outfit. You can wear the same black dress in the daytime but then dress it up at night with different accessories. Pack fun earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces, scarves…anything that will add some fun style to your look.

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Follow these steps and you are sure to have a killer traveling wardrobe capsule!

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