Lockdown 10×10 Challenge

With most of the world being confined to their homes during this crazy time of Coronavirus/Covid-19 drama, I thought this would be the perfect time to do another 10×10 challenge. It’s always fun to do a wardrobe challenge with each new season, but it seemed necessary to do a Lockdown 10×10 Challenge!

What is a 10×10 Challenge?

I have an entire post devoted to the ins and outs of a 10×10 Challenge that you can read HERE. But the gist of a 10×10 Challenge is that you pick 10 pieces of clothing and style just those 10 pieces for 10 days. It gets you thinking outside the box. It helps you see what are great work horse pieces in your closet. It’s a fun challenge to mix things up a bit!

I’ve done several 10×10 Challenges over the last year and I always come away learning new things. I love seeing what pieces in my closet are really versatile and which ones I love best.

Here are some tips when it comes to curating your 10×10 capsule:

What is a 10x10 Challenge?

Lockdown 10×10

Usually, my 10×10 Challenges include shoes and lots of fun pieces. But with the lockdown, I ain’t going anywhere! I wanted my capsule to include comfortable but stylish pieces. I wanted to be able to look put together but still feel cozy in my wintery days at home.

So my 10×10 capsule included leggings, joggers, and jeans. I had sweaters and loose fitting tees. And I only included one pair of shoes for the ONE time I left the house to get groceries =)

The real winner in my closet that I wore in HALF of my outfits was THIS Vetta Sweater. I wore it 5 times and I really could have worn it every day! Its versatility is superb! You can wear it as a turtleneck, buttoned up, unbuttoned, frontwards, backwards, tucked in, or tucked out. The options are endless! Versatility is key when putting together your 10×10 capsule.

What I Wore

Here are the 10 pieces I wore for 10 days straight. It’s really amazing to see the many options you can put together with so few pieces of clothing!

Lockdown 10x10 Challenge
Lockdown 10x10 Challenge
Lockdown 10x10 Challenge

And that’s another 10×10 Challenge in the books! This was a fun one!

Lockdown 10x10 Challenge
